2017年12月12日 星期二





       除了不需要忍受對推車不友善的環境,還可以騰出雙手做事。根據研究,使用背巾也會比用手抱小孩更省力16% ( 這對需要和Baby一打一,同時又要做事的爸媽來說很重要!)。使用背巾時,Baby會維持直立姿勢,這也有助於頭頸控制的發展。

髖關節發育不全( Developmental Dysplasia of Hip, DDH )

        除了先天遺傳因素外,若Baby的髖關節長時間擺放在伸直的位置,會容易造成髖關節發育不全。所以建議背的時候,髖關節要彎90°-110°,往外打開40°-55°。以圖為例,大概就是Baby的大腿環在我們的腰間。 所以市售的背巾不論是是前背、後背,只要使用得當且Baby沒有先天髖關節發育不全( Developmental Dysplasia of Hip, DDH ) 問題,都不會有不良影響。

        至於有哪些背巾的設計有把髖關節擺位考慮進去呢?國際髖關節發展障礙協會( International Hip Dysplasia Institute, IHDI )有認證的背巾清單供大家參考。





        除了要確實扣上安全扣環外,挑選透氣材質以及不要蓋太多保暖物,都是避免Baby過熱的訣竅。如果是用包巾( Sling ),要讓小朋友頭露在外面,方便我們隨時注意Baby情況,同時減少窒息風險。


       當然可以,首先若是真的脊椎有問題,就會像腳扭到一樣,會馬上痛,不會背久了才不痠痛。既然痠痛不是脊椎有問題,自然不用害怕使用背巾囉! 相反的,設計良好的背巾,還能 減少 不適感,讓我們可以背更久 !
       而背久腰痠、肩緊的人,有空可以做一些下半身的訓練或肩頸放鬆的運動喔!(了解更多脊椎痠痛肩頸緊繃 )


  1. Bergounioux J, Madre C, Crucis-Armengaud A. Sudden deaths in adult-worn baby carriers: 19 cases. Eur J Pediatr. 2015 Dec;174(12):1665-70. doi: 10.1007/s00431-015-2593-6. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
  2. Hedberg A, Forssberg H, Hadders-Algra M. Postural adjustments due to external perturbations during sitting in 1-month-old infants: evidence for the innate origin of direction specificity.Exp Brain Res. 2004 Jul;157(1):10-7. Epub 2004 Mar 13.
  3. de Graaf-Peters VB, Bakker H, van Eykern LA. Postural adjustments and reaching in 4- and 6-month-old infants: an EMG and kinematical study. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Aug;181(4):647-56. Epub 2007 May 16.
  4. van der Fits IB, Klip AW, van Eykern LA, Hadders-Algra M. Postural adjustments during spontaneous and goal-directed arm movements in the first half year of life. Behav Brain Res. 1999 Dec;106(1-2):75-90.
  5. E.K. Batra, J.D. Midgett, R.Y. Moon. Hazards Associated with Sitting and Carrying Devices for Children Two Years and Younger. J Pediatr 2015;167:183-7
  6. Littlefield, Timothy R. (2003) Car Seats, Infant Carriers, and Swings: Their Role in Deformational Plagiocephaly.  Journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics 15 (3): 102-106.
  7. Graham SM, Manara J, Chokotho L. Back-carrying infants to prevent developmental hip dysplasia and its sequelae: is a new public health initiative needed? J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Jan;35(1):57-61. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000000234.
  8. Bergounioux J, Madre C, Crucis-Armengaud A. Sudden deaths in adult-worn baby carriers: 19 cases. Eur J Pediatr. 2015 Dec;174(12):1665-70. doi: 10.1007/s00431-015-2593-6. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
  9. L.D. Junqueira, L.Q. Amaral, A.S. Iutaka. Effects of transporting an infant on the posture of women during walking and standing still. Gait & Posture 41 (2015) 841–846
  10. Stening W, Nitsch P, Wassmer G. Cardiorespiratory stability of premature and term infants carried in infant slings.Pediatrics. 2002 Nov;110(5):879-83.
  11. Hip Health in baby carriers, car seats, swings, walkers, and other equipment. International Hip Dysplasia Institute